What people are saying..
“A BIG ʻthank youʼ for helping us with our sonʼs IEP. This was our first time going
through the process. Without your knowledge and guidance, we would have been totally
-Thomas and Sarah H. (parents of a brilliant elementary-aged son with autism)
“Iʼve got you on speed dial! We had come to a standstill last year with our sonʼs school
on the contents of his IEP. We felt {the school} did not see the same potential in him that
we do. Since involving you in our planning and meetings, the school has turned around.
We now feel that our son is being challenged appropriately in his academics.”
-Tina C. (mother of a wonderful teenage son with down syndrome)
“You were the first professional who actually took time to listen to and work with our
daughter to figure out strategies to get her reading. We were then able to get her
appropriate supports in school. There are no more tears in the morning. I cannot say
thank you enough!”
-Dina N. (mother of a creative, middle-school daughter with learning disabilities)
“Ms. H., thank you for helping me to work on my focus and for understanding me.”
-Laura C. (a middle school student with creative, out-of-the-box thinking skills)
“You helped me get eligibility for my son. With an IEP, he is now able to keep up with
classroom assignments. He is feeling success in school, and I attribute that in a large
part, to you.”
-Ellen B. (mother of an engaging son with ADHD)
Email or call to set up a free initial consultation! Julie@SuccessByDesignEducation.com (757) 692-3528